A Brief History of Psychiatry: Millennia Past and Present. Part IV

Biological scientists have been trying to look inside the black box of the brain since the middle of the nineteenth century. Techniques in many disciplines were being developed in the last century that would lead beyond philosophical speculation about the mind/body relation and the meaning of insanity. Only in the last several years have molecular biology and the beginnings of understanding of its relation to mind, body, behavior, and the human environment made it possible to start to find solutions to some of the problems. Neurobiology, psychology, and sociology now seem much more closely related, albeit in enormously complex ways.

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  1. Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202 Lucy Jane King
  1. Lucy Jane King
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King, L.J. A Brief History of Psychiatry: Millennia Past and Present. Part IV. Ann Clin Psychiatry 11, 175–185 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022353211139

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