Does MS Office really support cmyk colors

Does MS Office really support cmyk colors although it is shown in fly out menu in colors but some tutorials say it's just to make us happy.

37.9k 2 2 gold badges 38 38 silver badges 98 98 bronze badges asked Jul 12, 2018 at 5:55 Pradeep Poudel Pradeep Poudel 9 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges AFAIK Microsoft Office software doesn't support CMYK Commented Jul 12, 2018 at 6:22

To me, this is like asking "can I use a chisel to tighten flathead screws?". Regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, it isn't the appropriate tool for the job.

Commented Jul 12, 2018 at 16:41

2 Answers 2

It seems not even Publisher supports CMYK anymore.

Your question, in reality, makes me wonder. Why would someone need a CMYK process which should be a very specific workflow, on an application that does not even states clearly if you can even use it?

Using an application that has not this specific workflow is fooling yourself thinking that you actually are doing it right.

A CMYK file does not just need to be sent as "CMYK". It needs to be calibrated and profiled for. Should I repeat this? A specific workflow, print situation, type of paper.

If you really need to have CMYK use a suitable program. If you want a free one, use Scribus. Do not use any MS application for that.